Tuesday, February 12, 2019

A Love-Filled Day

(Pink and red heart boxes available at the shop.  See here.)

With just two days until Valentine's Day here are some last-minute ideas.  
It's fun to sprinkle little acts of love throughout the day starting with a treat at breakfast.  
There are so many inexpensive ways to show those you love 
that you are thinking of them.  Here are a few . . .

* Leave a little note for someone on a mirror or in their car
* Have a treat delivered to their work/school
* Leave a surprise for a stranger to find
* Treat someone to their favorite drink
*Sprinkle confetti on your dinner table
*Bake heart cookies
* Leave Hershey kisses on their pillow
* Create a love playlist to listen to
*Say or write I love you in a different language

Remember it doesn't have to be grand.
Sometimes the smallest gestures are the sweetest.

Thank you for visiting!
