Friday, November 10, 2017

Signature Jewelry . . . Signature Scarf

This is one of my favorite pieces from La Vie Parisienne.

We also now carry it in silver!

Almost everyday I wear our ice blue Madeleine bracelet,

but for our holiday event I paired it with my varied pink for a bit more sparkle.

Our pale pink signature scarf goes great with this coat found here,

I found my in their Station Park store on sale, but I like the gold buttons better.

Our many thanks to all those who attended our Main Street Holiday Event.

Oh What Fun!

Watch for more holiday events to come.


Happy Friday!  Words to live by.

Found here.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

La Vie Parisienne . . . the tiniest locket ever

New from La Vie Parisienne . . . it's the tiniest locket we have ever had

and it's precious!

Today is our Main Street Holiday Open House

we are open 10-8 p.m.

with a 20% off coupon and a free holiday gift with a $75 purchase

see here

offer is good online too if it rings/ships today

valid November 9th only

necklaced featured with our best-selling and my favorite Lollia fragrance


this is always what I wear for the holidays

thanks for visiting!


Did you notice the nesting boxes in pink and red behind me?

A set of four is $30 and looks great underneath a tree for easy gifting

see here

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Christmas Cavallini

new holiday items from Cavallini arrived

just in time for our Main Street Open House

open extended hours Thursday, November 9th

10-8 p.m.

our event free gift with $75 purchase

comes from Cavallini

$14 value

new jewelry from La Vie Parisienne also arrived

and we are re-stocked in our favorites

like this double-strand pearl and chain necklace


Paris tee from here (click on the black square)

I got mine for just $15 and now they are only $7!

I also got Always Love the Small Things in cream

they also have these in multiple colors for $22.99

double-strap velvet love!

find here

thanks for visiting!

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Meri Meri matchboxes

Meri Meri mini matchboxes

great for gifting jewelry, sweets, cash or a written note

they are Nutcracker-themed, so perfect for any ballerina

limited quantity

who says money doesn't grow on trees . . .

and our favorite twinkle lights are Sugar Paper from here

we also have Meri Meri Nutcracker-themed gift labels and stickers

ANGEL t-shirt is super soft with a ruffled sleeve from here

thanks for visiting!

more photos and updates on Instagram and stories today


Repetto shoppe window, Paris

from here

Monday, November 6, 2017

Christmas Collectibles

Bethany Lowe created some beauties this year.  Vintage-inspired holiday cones.

Available in pale pink and pale turquoise.


limited quantity

Bethany Lowe bottle brush tree ornament


limited quantity

Bethany Lowe large bottle brush trees


limited quantity

featured with Cavallini gift sacks and Illume holiday candles

love to have you and happy to ship!


This Thursday we will be open late until 8 p.m. with our Main Street 
Holiday Open House

more details to follow


Thursday, November 2, 2017

My Christmas Home

Yesterday I got up bright and early to start decorating for the holidays.
It's my most favorite time of year!  I will be sharing my home early 
to show you how I use our products.

My Christmas stockings are from Meri Meri, London.
The candles are from Illume.  

I also love our Madeleine red and white nesting boxes mixed in with a few others
for easy gifting year-to-year.

I began decorating the morning before our busy open house 
so I'm just getting started.  I have already switched some things around
and will post updates and more of my home.

To all those who attended our Open House . . .
we can't thank you enough!  You were the magic in our day!

The great conservations, laughter and new friends made
is what it's all about!

We appreciate you!

Thanks for visiting!

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Holiday Open House

Tomorrow, November 1st, is our Holiday Private Event

We will be open from 3-8 p.m. to email subscribers.

We email our customers our events and specials
in order to reduce the amount of paper waste.

We do not send any paper advertisements.

We appreciate you helping us go green . . .

and now let's celebrate!

Love to have you!

To subscribe simply text your email to (801) 232-3276

and you will be added and receive a code for tomorrow's event.